Monday, August 18, 2008

Health Benefits of Tea

Health Benefits of Tea

Current research suggests that green tea may prevent cancer, while black tea may prevent strokes and heart attacks.

The Miracle of Anti-Oxidants
Anti-oxidants, which help prevent cell damage, are found mostly in fruits and vegetables. Tea has anti-oxidants too, in the form of compounds called flavonoids. Green tea is high in simple flavonoids or catechins which researchers believe might be an anti-oxidant effective in preventing cancer. Black tea has more complex flavonoids known as theaflavins and thearubiginscatechins, which researchers believe may strengthen arteries and reduce the chances of stroke and heart disease.

In case you were wondering, anti-oxidants go after "free radicals," which are unstable oxygen molecules that damage our body's cellular walls, and consequently damage DNA. "Free radicals" come from pollution, smoke, radiation, toxic substances, ultraviolet radiation, and are even a byproduct produced when the body converts food into energy. "Free radicals" damage our cells, rendering them unable to effectively fight cancer, aging, and other diseases.

Possible Health Benefits of Tea:

  • Prevents heart disease and strokes
  • Prevents cancer
  • Natural fluorides, flavonoids, & tannins prevent tooth decay
  • Anti-bacterial properties are good for the mouth and teeth, prevent bad breath
  • Reduces inflammation and relieves arthritis
  • Strengthens immune system to fight colds and other ailments
  • Speeds up calorie burning
  • Slightly lowers cholesterol
  • Lowers blood pressure and prevents dangerous blood clotting
  • Although researchers are finding many health benefits from tea, don't forget the fickleness of health research. Tea tastes good, is relaxing, and doesn't appear to have any bad health effects...isn't that reason enough to enjoy tea?

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